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Dessert Making

Desserts are sweet course that are served to conclude an evening meal. Desserts can include cakes, cookies, biscuits, pastries, ice cream, gelatins, pies, custard, etc and can even include preparations of fruit. There are so many options and choices when it comes to making desserts that for the beginner the entire process may seem overwhelming. However certain tips and techniques can work wonders when it comes to making desserts.

Desserts contain a range of ingredients; the common ones include sugar/sweetening agents, flour, dairy, eggs and spices. What makes desserts so popular is their enslaving sweetness and texture. The flour (or starch) in desserts acts as a source of protein and is responsible for the structure. The quantity of flour used varies from dessert to dessert. Dairy products are not used in all desserts and the quantity used, again, may vary depending on the type of preparation.

Desserts like cakes are prepared using sugar and flour, with the density of the cake varying for different types. Chocolate and candies are used liberally in many desserts, with candies like caramel and marshmallows enjoying certain level of preference over the others. Cookies are another kind of dessert that involve different types of sweet biscuits. It was traditionally formed by placing small portions of cake batter in the oven to test the temperature for preparation.

Custards are made with milk and eggs and contain a thickened dairy base. Puddings on the other hand contain thickened starches. Frozen desserts include ice creams and gelatins. Ice creams use a cream base while gelatins use a milk base. This category also includes sorbet. Pastries, pies, donuts and cheesecake are a few other categories of desserts.

Since cream is a common ingredient in most desserts, it is favourable to make your own home-made, fresh cream when you are making desserts. Also when using nuts in your recipe, do not over process them, else you may wind up with excessive nut oils and butter.

An important technique when baking cakes is to place it in the rack at centre of the oven. Preheat the oven and cover the insides of the pan (use the right size) with well-oiled (preferably butter) paper. Brownies, on the other hand, when well prepared should have edges that look solid/hard with a slight crack on the top. The surface should be smooth and the centre should not joggle when you shake the pan.

Desserts have great health benefits as they are packed with carbohydrates, proteins and necessary vitamins, fibre and antioxidants. It is scientifically proven that desserts (with their rich carbohydrate quotient) can make a person happy and transcend them to a higher level of blissfulness. Moreover, desserts can help you fight the negative effects of dieting.

Hobbylancer and You

So indulge that sweet tooth and curb those cravings by making your very first dessert today. Share your wonderful recipes, sell your dessert ideas to franchises or contact your nearest dessert joint to make a full time career out of dessert making. Hire professional dessert makers from our huge network of enthusiasts, organise dessert exhibitions for amateurs and share tutorials online. Let the addiction for sweetness spread happiness all around through Hobbylancer!

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