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Poetry Writing

Poetry is a form of literary art that explores aestheticism, philosophy and altruism as an expression of one's innermost feelings. Writing poetry is a creative process and inspiration for the same can come flowing from anywhere. There is a lot of emotion and sentiment hidden in poems and poetry has often served as a very natural process for individuals to express themselves.

A poem can portray anger, love, anxiety or inspiration and more than often reveal the poet's own journey of self discovery. And if poems are the creative food for your soul, then this page is dedicated to all those individuals who weave magic with their words.

Poetry does not have to rhyme. The use of free verse to express ideas without constraining one to rhyming schemes allows the thoughts to flow freely and makes it simpler to merge the right words together. A poem starts with a line or two and the words flow in gradually as the poet pens down his thoughts. One of the finest ways to hone your skills as a poet is to read and listen to poetry. This helps refine your senses and inspires you aesthetically and emotionally to write better poems.

Choose a style of poetry through which you can best express yourself. Limericks, sonnets, haiku etc are few of the numerous forms available and abandon everything all together if you wish to concentrate on a non-rhyming scheme. Often powerful stories are written in the form of poems that are wonderfully deep and beautiful. Do not try to justify what you write, let the reader interpret what they wish to. Inspire the power of thinking in your readers. Most importantly, listen to your poem and keep editing the same until it sounds almost like music to your ears. If necessary, get feedback from friends and family.

Hobbylancer and You

At Hobbylancer, find poems that suit your taste, learn about the different forms of poetry and discover the poet in you. Share your own poems or find poetry reading events of authors in and around your locality. Organise poetry readings at book stores and colleges, invite young poets and find publishers willing to print your work. Get in touch with your inner self and unleash the poet in you at Hobbylancer.

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